The Strip Steak, aka "The New York Strip," may be one of the, if not the, most popular steak in the United States. And why would it not be? It offers the perfect balance between "beefy" flavor and tenderness. That's why you can often see our Chief Operating Officer, German B. Vollbracht, cooking New York Strip Steak live on our instagram (@meatnbone).
The strip is a forgiving steak, meaning it's pretty hard to screw it up. It does, however, take skill to master but the results can be oh so rewarding (don't worry, below you will find an easy and amazing New York strip steak recipe).
The ideal NY Strip should be between 10-12 ounces. Your ideal cooked strip will have a crisp, caramelized crust with a perfect inside pink (we recommend cooking at most, to a medium).
So how should you cook it? Here is an easy to follow NY Strip Steak recipe.
New York Strip Steak Recipe
Let the steak get to room temperature (about 30 mins). In the meantime, grab the following ingredients:
During those 30 minutes you can also start seasoning the steaks evenly with some salt and pepper.
2. Heat a cast-iron skilled over high heat. You want it to be AS HOT as possible. It will most likely smoke, so make sure you have your exhaust fan on high. You can also cook it outside. All in all, this recipe will make you feel like a pro-chef at a top kitchen so who cares if the house smells a little bit like steak.
3. Add the 1 tablespoon of olive oil to the pan and toss in the steaks. You should cook them for 3 minutes in one side, then flip them over and cook for another 3 minutes. If you want them rare, it should be 1 1/2 minutes per side.

4. Reduce heat to medium, add butter, the thyme and the garlic. The butter should be pooling and covering the steaks (as much as possible). After roughly 1 and 1/2 minutes remove the steaks from pan.
5. Let the steaks sit for 7-10 minutes. Trust us on this. The wait is worth it.
6. Serve as desired, use the left-over butter mixture as a sauce.
As for sides, it's delicious served with mash potatoes, rice or grilled veggies. Keep it simple and let the steak take center stage.
Check out our NY Strip Steak range.
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