Growing up in the Caribbean you learn to appreciate good seafood. In fact, it makes it hard to enjoy seafood anywhere else. You are always comparing taste and flavor to the fresh, just out of the ocean seafood you had growing up.
Years ago I traveled to Asia and saw a massive shrimp. It was a revelation to me; I had no idea such thing existed. But it was A-MAZ-ING!
Back in the good old USA, I never saw anything like it. In fact, very rarely do you find anything better than the tasteless supermarket shrimp. That was until I met this guy who told me he imports the best seafood in the world to be sold in only a few extremely fine restaurants.
I jokingly asked if he had a shrimp enough to sink a boat and he said, "Well, I have the biggest shrimp commercially sold in the US if that helps." Then and there a relationship was born. We have sold many, many, many pounds of Shrimps almost big enough to sink a boat.
Monster Tiger Prawns
These monster tiger prawns are U2, meaning that each prawn weighs roughly half a pound. Note that the weight includes the shell (one time we got an email from a customer complaining about the weight of the shell being included which really just melted my brain). I think I must have given him a refund.
Anyway, these prawns are flavorful and buttery and EXTREMELY easy to cook. To me, they are much better than a lobster tail.
The Wild African Black Tiger Prawn's main features are their looks, buttery texture and firmness. These are known to be the "Tomahawk of the Sea"!
You can grill them or make them in your oven. Here is a video of our very own Gabriel showing you how to expertly cook them:
Step #1: Open the package.

Step #2: Peel the prawns (head and shell), leaving the tail on.

Step #3: Remove the vein.

Step #4: Butterfly from the top.

Step #5: Place in cast iron, facing up.

Step #6: Add butter, salt, and minced garlic.

Step #7: Place inside the oven for 400* F for 10 min.

Step #8: Finish with a squeeze of lemon.

Step #9: Enjoy!
Good friends, good food, good times! That is what life's all about!
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